Types of Celebrities
© Dmitri Lytov,
Marianna Lytova.
Last updated on January 11, 2006.
This section is under construction. Click on any photo (or type name), and you will see more portraits and names, but without biographies. You can also find lists of celebrities under descriptions of each type in the section Functions, Types, Tests.
Portraits and names of some celebrities are marked BK. These letters mark alternative versions of types of corresponding persons proposed by Alexander Boukalov and Olga Karpenko from the International Socionics Institute (Kiev, Ukraine).
Recommended reading:
- D.Lytov, M.Lytova. Introduction into Socionics (draft). Part 2.
- D.Lytov, M.Lytova. Introduction into Socionics (draft). Part 3.