The analysis of intertypal relations carried out till now is in spite of its formal persuasiveness too mechanistical and poor of use for social-and-psychologocal praxis. There is a new attemp trying in the paper to give a system description of relations between types based on simple socionical notions.
Intertypal relations can be looked through from the view point of two small groups` sorts built by jungian scales. Temperament groups (choleric, phlegmatic, sanguinic and melancholic) are formed by means of scales ratio/irrationality and extra/introversion. Attitude groups (Socials, Managers, Scientists and Humanitarians) are formed by means of scales logic/ethic and sensing/intuition.
The most compatibility is observed between choleric and phlegmatic people on one side and between sanguinic and melancholic on another side (COMFORT). The middle compatibility is in persons paars choleric-sanguinic and phlegmatic-melancholic (ACCOMODATION). People that turn out to be incompatible are choleric-melancholic and sanguinic-phlegmatic (DESORIENTATION). Interaction of two identical temperaments has various degrees of compatibility, but is similar by its little informativity (IMMUTABILITY).
The compatibility between attitudes to action field is determined by that wether they have any common borders. There is a friendly interest the Managers and Humanitarians as well as Scientists and Socials which don`t have common borders excite by each others (HOSPITALITY). A crossing of interests occurs in case of coincided attitudes what generates debates by relative forces equality (DISCUSSION).
The sociotypes belonging to attitude groups that have a common border beginn enevitably to intervene in neighbouring action field what can`t not lead to increase of psychological tensions between them. Usual itineraries of such intervention have a circle nature: Managers -> Scientists -> Humanitarians -> Socials and vice versa.
There are two kinds of psychological expansion considered. First one: the partners aspire to elucidation of relationships and their normalization, but don`t fulfil the obligations accepted in result of negotiations (CAUTION). Second one: the partners aspiring to change the behaviour of each other intervene in foreign affairs with minimum explaining that (INTERVENTION).
Described in previous parts interaction kinds can be also presented more formal—as decomposition on scales. The temperamental aspect of sociotypes' interaction is decomposed by means of scales balance/disbalance and oscillation/stability. The aspect of attitudes' interaction can be described in its turn by means of two axes - tolerance/expansion and dissonance/ consonance. 8. Èòîãîâîå ðàññìîòðåíèå—Resulting consideration.
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