He is the author of the following books:

He has published his works in the following journals:

"16" (Vilnius, Lithuania).

Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology
Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relations
Management and Personnel: Problems of Management, Socionics and Sociology

Internacia pedagogia revuo (Brussels).
and some other.
Victor V.
Born on 02.12.1958. Lives in Kiev, Ukraine. Mail address: Stroiteley 12—108, Kiev, Ukraine.
Author of several books on socionics. He studies problems of "type masks", subtypes, small groups, application of personality typology in business and family consulting and education.
Sociotype: Analyst (logical-intuitive introvert).
* The list includes only those translated into English.
- V. Gulenko. Descriptions of intertype relationships. Translated by Dmitri Lytov.
- V. Gulenko. Reciprocity Criteria. Author's summary of the article. 1992.
- V. Gulenko. Speaking Different Languages, Striving for the Same: Comparative Analysis between Socionics and MBTI. Translated by Dmitri Lytov, edited by Jeffrey Bolden. (first published in Russian in: V.Gulenko, V.Tyshchenko. Jung v shkole. Novosibirsk, 1997).
- V. Gulenko. The Centripetal Law of Communication.
Estimate Your Chances in Business Competition. 1998. Translated by Dmitri Lytov.